Monday 7 October 2013

Breaking through redo corruption

Today we faced a not very welcome message - ORA-00333: redo log read error block 56010 count 8064. The database is in the NOARCHIVELOG mode and we do not perform backups ;-).
Of course I would not smile so eagerly if the problem would be serious - I must admit at once that there was a bright side of the situation - this is a test environment and rather easily able to reproduce, so take it into consideration, while looking what I did to this database.

At the beginning I must state that the traffic on this database was mainly First of all I started to clear logfiles (ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE GROUP x;), but quickly run out of progress - the corrupted redo log was the CURRENT one i.e. the one I can not clear.
As we have no backup, the list of options is quite short - the second (and one of the last resorts is to use some hidden parameters to disable the recovery).
The two parameters I was interested in are _allow_resetlogs_corruption and _allow_read_only_corruption. It seems to me the first one is related more to redologs, while the second to datafiles. At the moment I assume one may try to use them together - the first one to get rid of the corrupted online redo, and the second one to open a database despite of corrupted datafiles.
As I found quite many articles on the subject (but mainly by googling and not on the MOS pages), I firstly realize it is enough to set _allow_resetlogs_corruption to TRUE in order to go forward. However when I did this, I hit the ORA-01139.
So I run recovery (RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL CANCEL), and it required archivelog with the 518 sequence (which is the sequence the corrupted online logfile was opened with) - suprisingly it went well, so I tried to open the database with the RESETLOGS option and it failed. Then I set both the _allow_resetlogs_corruption and _allow_read_only_corruption parameters to TRUE and start the database again. This time the instance terminated with the ORA-00704 bootstrap errors. As You already find out I failed to open it successfully - the next try bring the ORA-600 errors, and at this moment I gave up.
And finally a victory! I tried once again. This time I simply mounted the database and call the database recovery (with both parameters reset) - it failed with an info that I have to open the database, so I call the OPEN operation and it opened.

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